“Holy Orders, in its three grades of bishop, priest and deacon, is the Sacrament that enables a man to exercise the ministry which the Lord Jesus entrusted to the Apostles, to shepherd his flock, in the power of his Spirit and according to his Heart. Tending Jesus’ flock not by the power of human strength or by one’s own power, but by the Spirit’s and according to his Heart, the Heart of Jesus which is a heart of love. The priest, the bishop, the deacon must shepherd the Lord’s flock with love. It is useless if it is not done with love. And in this sense, the ministers who are chosen and consecrated for this service extend Jesus’ presence in time, if they do so by the power of the Holy Spirit, in God’s name and with love.”
– Pope Francis, General Audience
If you are being called to the priesthood, please contact:
Pastor Fr. Andrew Raczkowski
Diocese of Kalamazoo Office of Vocations
Rev. José Haro Director of Vocations 269-342-0621
or by email jharo@diokzoo.org